
                                               Ronal B. Jones Jr.
                                                                                                                                                         Atlanta, GA

To advance my skills in Business, Sequential Art, and Independent Game Development. I’m looking for opportunities to help me reach and surpass my goals as an all around Artist, Designer, and Entrepreneur.

The Art Institute of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA                                                July 07 - Oct 11
Bachelor of Fine Arts, Game Art and Design

                      ·         Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, and Flash
                      ·         Autodesk Maya, Mudbox
                      ·         Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
                      ·         Unity 3D, UDK, Kismet, Zbrush, CrazyBump, UV layout

Independent Projects
FPS,                                                                   Present
Web Comic- Writer, Artist

ABZ's: Pop Quiz,                                                              Sept 14
Unity Game- Designer, Programmer, Artist

Vector Art,                                                                      July 11
Unity Game- Designer, Programmer, Artist

Professional Experiences
Internship, World Touch Gaming Inc.                                                    Aug 10 - Nov 10
Art and Design Intern
              •            Design and start developing two games for studio consideration
              •            Team worked weekly in production environment to design
                concepts, themes, stories, and gameplay to transition into

Phoeni-Con , The Art Institute of Atlanta                                                    Fall 09, 10
Event Coordinator/Founder
               ·         A rising Game, Comic, and Animation conference catered to
                helping students break into their industries
               ·         Convinced the school and students to come together and
                organize a full media arts conference

QA Tester, HiRez Studios                                                                               Summer 08
Global Agenda Tester
                •          Test and find bugs in the newest versions of Global Agenda

Professional Activities
Event/Group Organizer, Indie Cluster, GGDA                                           Fall 14 - Present
Artist and Designer, Global Game Jam, Southern Poly State                 Winter/Fall 09 - 14
Speaker Liaison, SIEGE Con, GGDA                                                                Fall 07 - 13
Student President, Student Leadership Council, The Art Institute         Aug 07 - Dec 10
Student Builder, F.I.R.S.T. Robotics, T. L. Hanna High School                Oct 03 - Apr 06

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